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    What are crystals?

    Crystals are formed from minerals, and they occur naturally in the earth's surface.  Under the microscope, a crystals atomic sturcture resembles a three dimensional lattice.  Every crystals atomic pattern is unique.  

    Crystals may work as if by magic, but there are a multitude of reasons as to how and why these stones are thought to possess the abilty to heal and magnify energy.

    The power of crystals have been recorded in many different scenarios over time, from the Bible to Ancient Egyptian teachings.  Because all crystals are different as are we, it is impossible to describe the exact response you may have to a crystal, but understanding the process of healing will certainly help.  

    Philip Permutt has a great way of explaining the effect of crystals when you work with them for healing

    "Imagine a traditional set of weighing scales, not evenly balanced with one side higher than the other.  If you visualise a weight dropped onto the higher side to bring it into balance with the other side.  The scales wobble a bit as they find the equilibrium, but will soon come to rest at the point of balance." 

    When working with crystals the same can happen to you, your emotions wobble before stabilizing.  The effect of crystals can feel uncomfortable as you release negative thoughts and emotions but if you persevere you will soon notice improvments in your life

  2. Birthstone for January – Garnet

    Symbols – Energy, truth and fidelity.  A stone of harmony, it balances all levels of being emotional, spiritual and physical

    Traditions – Garnet is used as a talisman against harmful energies, brings joy, courage and the strength to live. It can boost self-confidence.  In the middle ages this stone was known as a carbuncle and was sewn in the costumes of crusaders.  It was believed to bring them strength and courage to face the perils that awaited them during the holy wars.  This is why it is known as the January Birthstone as it builds your energies to see you through the winter and New Year as well as the way to begin new projects or businesses.

    Astrological – Associated with the astrological signs of the beginning of the year: Capricorn and Aquarius

    Chinese Astrology – This changes on 5th February each year and corresponds to the sign of the rat as does the Emerald

    In alternative medicine which uses the energy of stones Garnet can be positioned on different chakras to help strengthen them. 

    Used on the

    Root chakra for strength and courage

    Sacral chakra for stimulating the reproductive organs and restores sexual vigor

    Solar Plexus for stimulates the blood pressure

    If an elixir is made with Garnet it is beneficial to the

    • adrenal glands
    • kidneys
    • liver
    • heart
    • thyroid


    It can be the stone that rekindles the inner flame and therefore can help relationships or people who constantly have to face difficult situations
