Gemstones and their meanings
On this page you can find meanings of the gemstones available on the website.

Amazonite - Finance - Aids prosperity and good practice in business. The stone of new opportunities.
Amber - Healing - Good for memory, intellect and making choices. Brings good luck and protection. Purifies mind, body and spirit
Amethyst - Memory - Believed to enhance memory and improve motivation. Helps you achieve more realistic goals in life
Angelite - Awareness - Helps you to speak the truth and be more compassionate. Brings peace and inner calm
Apache Tears - Heal Grief - Good for emotional balance. Helps behaviour change, forgiveness, negativity and grief
Apricot Agate - Heart Warming - Calm, improves memory and concentration
Aquamarine - Compassion - Brings calm, courage, protection, compassion, spiritual awareness and development.
Black Agate - Grounding - Brings inner strength and grounding. Dispels fears and helps with concentration and prosperity
Black Obsidian - Protection - Provides support during change, repels negativity and helps fight the effects of depression
Bloodstone - Cleansing - Calms the mind, dispels confusion and enhances the decision making process, revitalises
Blue Banded Agate - Harmony - Harmony, improves positives and negatives, builds self confidenct and awareness
Blue Chalcedony - Trust - Good for dealing with childhood issues. Facilitates emotional expression
Blue Goldstone - Talsiman - Use as a talisman to bring a little luck wherever you go
Blue Lace Agate - Calm - Soft gentle energy bringing calm and reduces negative atmospheres. Reduces arguments
Blue Obsidian - Understanding - Understanding, supports communication on all levels, stimulates growth in all areas, soothing and calming
Blue Quartz - Emotional Balance - Good for awareness and energy shift. Brings issues to the surface and clears while keeping you grounded. Helps anger and anxiety
Blue Tigers Eye - Courage - Courage, enhances communication, helps you recognise and understand thoughts and ideas
Botswana Agate - Life's Purpose - Helps find your inner self. Promotes confidence while keeping an air of mystery and inner beauty
Brecciated Jasper - Wholeness - Helps keep feet on the ground. Encourages mental clarity and absorbs negative energy
Carnelian - Energy - A warm and energising stone great for invigorating the mind and body. Promotes energy, creativity and self esteem
Cherry Quartz - Anxiety Relief - Anxiety Relief, an uplifting stone which assits as an anti depressant and brings hope, love and emotional balance
Chevron Amethyst - Sleep - Helps aid a good nights sleep and brings positive dreams. Promotes spiritual wisdom and understanding
Chrysocolla - Feel good - Good for stress, phobias, tension and guilt. Can help to mend a broken heart
Citrine - Abundance - Prosperity, Happiness, Success, Decision Making Stone, teaches you how to attract wealth
Clear Quartz - Master Healer - Aids concentration, unlocks memory and brings the body to balance. Great meditation stone. Enhances energy in other stones
Crackle Quartz - Uplifting - Raises mental energy and ifts the body physically, bringing balance to both and encouraging prolonged happiness
Dalmation Jasper - Dispels Nigthmares - Great for calming animals, stops you being over analytical, harmonises the emotions, reflection
Dragon Eggs - Reflection - To help focus and think things over clearly
Fluorite - Focus - Encourages orderly thinking, learning and study. Helps with organising and calming chaos
Goldstone - Ambition - Helps you attain your goals and gain strength. Deflects negativity and is a good energy generator
Green Aventurine - Comfort - Believed to dissolve negative emotions and thoughts. All round healer bringing emotional calm and well being
Green Moss Agate - Self-Acceptance - Grounds excessive spiritual energy, brings stability, courage and a felling of settlement. Enhances creativity
Green Quartz - Healing - Helps negative energies transmit into positive ones, attracts prosperity and success
Hematite - Memory - Effective at grounding and protecting. Harmonises the mind, body and spirit. Stimulates concentration and focus
Howlite - Safe Travel - Safe Travel, Protection, Decreases Stress, Calming
Jade - Good Luck - Brings purity and serenity, wisdom and tranquility. Attracts luck, friendship and love
Kambala Jasper - Happiness - Happiness. Improves state of mind and wellbeing. Brings prosperity and a sense of fun
Kyanite - Tranquility - Brings calm and tranquility. Aligns chakras. Good for yin/yang balance, dream recall and understanding. Frees energy blocks
Labradorite - Inspiration - Helps with insecurity, anxiety and stress. A stone for protection, positivity and wisdom
Lapis Lazuli - Relaxation - Good for relaxation, relationships, dreams, yin/yang balance and all psychic abilities. Helps depression
Lava Stone - Courage - strength and courage, it allows one the opportunity for stability throughout changes in their life
Lepidolite - Depression - Calming, helps distrust, depression, stress. Good for addictive personalities and transitions such as death/dying
Mahogany Obsidian - Empowerment - Strengthens and protects in times of need. Improves circulation and stimulates growth
Malachite - Endurance - Brings calm and emotional balance. Helps depression
Mookaite - Attitude - Versatility. Assists in helping you make the right choices. Clears your mind
Moonstone - Femininity - Assists in slowing down hormonal changes and brings calm and balance to emotions
Mugglestone - Attitude - Good protection stone, promotes positivity and detoxifies and cleanses the soul
Ocean Jasper - Self-Love - Encourages love of yourself and nurturing of others. A protective stone which brings wholeness and tranquility
Onyx - Self-Control - Self Control, helps you overcome stressful situations by remaining calm. Increases stamina and self control
Opalite - Dreams - Helps dreams become reality. Stabalises mood swings and helps calm emotions
Orange Calcite - Energise - Brings calm and balances energl;y. Helps with aggression and belligerence
Pink Agate - Unconditional Love - Increases unconditional love and aids in parental bonding. Boosts self-confidence.
Pink Opal - Self-heal - Helps behaviour patterns and violent behaviour. A stone for self-healing, spiritual awakening, renewal and love
Pink Moss Agate - Optimism - A positive stone that encourages and improves self-esteem, love, hope and fulfillment.
Picture Jasper - Knowledge - Boosts the need to increase knowledge and brings clarity when there is intense pressure. Nurturing and protective stone
Rainbow Hematite - Stimulant - Stimulates concentration and focus. Is uplifting and helps prevent anxiety and insomnia. Great detoxifying stone
Rainbow Hematite (M) - Stimulant - Stimulates concentration and focus. Is uplifting and helps prevent anxiety and insomnia. Great detoxifying stone
Red Avenurine - Determination - Creates positive attitude, encourages get up and go. Helps overcome obstacles and kick a habit
Red Jade - Strength - Eliminates fear of faliure and encourages physical strength. Helps support tose with addictive personalities
Red Jasper - Energy - Cleanses and detoxifies the body. Releases energy gently and steadily. Helps you feel complete
Red Tigers Eye - Motivation - Promotes positive attitude, helps self-confidence and increases motivation
Rhodonite - Emotional Balance - Nurtures love and helps you see both sides of issues. Heals emotional shock and panic
Rhyolite - Self-heal - Strengthens mind, body and soul, brings insight and resolution to difficulties, enhances self esteem, self worth and self respect
Rock Salt - Protection - Dispels negativity and releases emotional attachment. Protection Stone
Rose Quartz - Love - Calming stone which helps unconditional love and restores harmony.
Sardonyx - Willpower - Attracts friends, stability in partnerships and good fortune. Helps motivation, discipline and strengthens character
Selenite - Intuition - Aids angelic protection and romoves energy blocks. Balances the emotions and calms the mind and soul
Smoky Quartz - Releasing Negativity - Relieves depression by balancing the emotions. Helps cleanse and clear the aura. Dispels unwanted fear
Snowflake Obsidian - Self-Awareness - Calms and soothes the mind, enhances clarity and clears confusion. Helps with positive decision making
Sodalite - Clarity - Calms and balances the mind, boosts confidence and self-esteem and reduces insecurity
Sugilite - Healing stone - Good for spiritual love and finding your life path. Helps with hostility, anger, jealously, forgiveness, prejudice and despair
Sunstone - Vitalitly - Helps with fear and stress. Protection. Brings strength, abundance and longevity
Tigers Eye - Balance - Tigers eye is believed to balance yin and yang and energises the emotional body and lifts mood. Good luck stone
Tree Agate - Self-Esteem - Ensures safety in challenging situations, brings a positive ego and promotes good self esteem.
Turqentine - Flexibility - Helps with all aspects of travel. A helpful aid for planning and arranging
Unakite - Detoxing - Cleanses and detoxifies the body and helps eliminate bad habits. Balances emotional self
Yellow Agate - Resolve - Spreads joy and happiness, attracts abundance, confidence and prosperity. Brings conclusions to questions
Zebra Agate - Yin Yang - Brings a clearer understanding to life's problems. Helps with verbal communication and seeing both sides of a situation