Types of Angels
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Types of Angels
There are two main types of Angels that we as humans call upon
💫Archangels by name
💫Regular Angels
You would typically not call upon the other Choir of Angels
💫Archangels to call on
Archangels work mainly in a broad stroke and see the big picture and they are always around. They may direct the lower Angels to attend to your needs when you ask. Archangels of a higher echelon than the regular Angels, for instant results you can call on an archangel by name for help.
💫Angels to call on
Regular angels are able, ready and waiting for you. They will help all they can. You can have many angels helping you at one time, there is no limit to the number of Angels you can call upon. When the task is completed and you have found a love, a lost watch or a new job the Angel goes away. If you need another you only have to ask you can ask for many Angels to be near you at all times and it will be so.
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