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  1. IMG_20210223_124932_063

    Lemurian seed crystal or quartz are stones of special power. 
    They embody the soft loving energy of the angelic and cosmic realms. 
    They were found around the turn of the Millennium and were said to have been specifically programmed with vast knowledge and buried by the lemurians themselves.
    Lemuria is believed to have once been an island that existed somewhere in the Pacific Ocean with a story similar to Atlantis. Its people are believed to have been possessing vast amounts of ancient technology and knowledge that far surpasses what we have understanding of today.
    The island is said to have been swallowed up by the sea and completely destroyed but before this happened it is said a small group of inhabitants were able to escape just in time and take their crystals full of knowledge with them. 
    Once they hit land they quickly scattered far and wide and buried these powerful tools due to fear of them falling into the wrong hands.  History took its course and these crystals were buried deep within the earth and lost to us for a very long time. 
    It is said that these crystals are only found when needed and are meant to give us a sense of unity and connection with each other and show we are all one.
    Lemurians were believed to have been peaceful people that understood Mother Nature and all the creatures within it and the crystals were programmed with spiritual knowledge and energy. 
    It's a good crystal to help with loneliness reminding us that we are always connected to others and are all equal in spirit. They never need to be cleansed because of the information that is already infused into them by the Lemurians. It's very similar to having a memory card that can hold vast amounts of information that can be passed on to others when they are ready for it or need it.
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    Archangel Raphael


    Archangel Raphael is the Angel of healing and is concerned with divine love. Raphael can work to heal you and through him you can heal others. Archangel Raphael is good for you as an Angel Therapy practitioner to call upon when you want to heal the people



    Archangel Raphael is associated with the season of spring. At the spring equinox the sun enters a cardinal fire sign of Aries the RAM which is ruled by the planet Mars and Raphael is related with the red planet.


     Heal Archangel Raphael will look after and heal your pets, wildlife and livestock. He can heal your relationships back to wholeness


    Body, mind and spirit

    Body mind and spirit is his domain. He supports Healthcare workers dentist, faith healers and care givers so you can see. Raphael protects conception, pregnancy, childbirth, adoption and orphans. He’s good for meditation, hospices, Hospital's bereavement and grieving lost ones



    Raphael supports those on the journey, travelling in transportation and those who work in those Industries. He guides you when you're away from home or in another country.


    Day of the week Thursday


    Astrology sign Virgo


    Colour green


    Planet Mercury the messenger of God


    Crystal Malachite Jade and emerald the Royal Green crystals associated with our angel Raphael


    Chakra Raphael resonates with the heart chakra


    Virtue archangel Raphael is associated with the virtue of humility