Energy Work - A How To Guide

 We often hear the word “vibe” as an informal way of explaining the emotions or feelings we pick up from another person. We tend to immediately pick up these vibes and base our decisions on them. Most of the time, we aren’t even able to explain why we dislike a person, place, or opportunity. But we do! That is what energy reading is. The concept has been around for centuries and still is used to share intuition-led assumptions about a person, place, or situation. 

How Can I Benefit From Energy Reading?
Everything in our environment holds energy, making it easier to recognize the intuitive good or bad in people, places, or opportunities. While we all have the gift of intuition, we rarely rely on our sixth sense and focus more on making logical decisions. However, by learning how to read auras and rightly interpreting them, we might be able to protect ourselves and expand our horizons accordingly.
Through energy reading, we can pick up clues that allow us to recognize the auras radiating around us, making it easier to make decisions about your career, love life, or achieving your goals. Moreover, it is an excellent way of getting insight into your life. When you allow an energy reader to study your aura, they identify what you are feeling and guide you accordingly to overcome any struggles. They will also recognize energy blocks and areas requiring extra attention and provide information about how to carry on in certain situations. They might also be able to help when it comes to dealing with past trauma, redirecting you if you are lost, or attracting luck to your life.

So, How Can I Read Energies?
Energy reading requires a significant level of sensitivity. When you are sensitive to the world around you, you become less oblivious to the auras of others and the signals that your body sends. Most energies are expressive emotions, also called life forces- the fundamental force of living. To develop skills that can help you read energies, you must start implementing the following habits.

Focus On The Eyes
We often use the term- smiling eyes or smiling with the eyes- to describe a delighted person. This is because, according to psychology, our emotions are portrayed in our eyes. Whether a person is happy, sad, distressed, or distracted, you can easily recognize everything if you focus on it. It can also indicate whether an individual is trustworthy or deceiving. Hence, starting with reading the eyes is an ideal way of setting the foundation of your intuitive powers. Next time you meet someone, try to decipher what their eyes are communicating, whether it is rage, compassion, or pure happiness.

Recognize How You Feel Around Someone
It is common to feel more comfortable around some people than others. Mostly, this is because of how close or connected we feel with those individuals. However, it can also be a way of your intuition informing you of the vibes that it is catching. We consistently sense the vibes of others but are oblivious to them. To learn how to read energies, you must consciously focus on recognizing these auras. If you feel drained and tired after hanging out with someone, you probably picked up their negative vibes. On the contrary, feeling energized and motivated after meeting someone might mean that they are radiating positive energies. These subtle clues are easily recognizable. All it requires is attention, focus, and the correct interpretations.

Observe What You Feel From Voice And Physical Touch
Reading auras is all about reading the emotions and expressions of another. The tone, pitch, speed, and depth of a voice holds much information. Are they rushing to finish their sentence or taking their time? Are there highs and lows in their voice, or is it monotone? These things can tell us whether or not the person is hiding their emotions regarding you or themselves. A loud individual is easily recognizable as
confident, while a person who talks very quiet may unfortunately be suffering from low self-esteem. Heavier voices mean that the person is sad or about to cry, and high-pitch tones mean that the person is excited. These are all cues, and how you react to them can indicate the energy you are reading. Similarly, an individual with a firm handshake or a warm hug is often far more comforting. Feeling uncomfortable with the physical touch of another is usually a sign of wrong intentions. The concept of bad touch/good touch also comes from this intuitive feeling of who intends to harm us.

Am I Reading Energies Right Now?
If you consciously notice the vibes that others are radiating, then you might already be reading energies. The only difference is that you were not using them for your betterment. You might be a naturally intuitive individual if you have experienced the following:
1. Feeling Uncomfortable In Crowded Places: You might be observing the energies surrounding you, making it uncomfortable to be in crowded places. The negative energies around you are physically, mentally, and emotionally draining you, and it feels unavoidable but unmanageable.
2. Intuition Is Off The Charts: You quickly pick up on bad energies but cannot identify them. However, the feeling of protecting your loved one does not go away, resulting in you explaining a situation that makes no sense to them. 
3. Lie Detection Is Easy: You notice how the energies of others change  when they are lying to you. The subtle change in their tone, behavior, and body language changes their aura.
4. Feeling A Lot Of Empathy Or Being Called Sensitive: You are an empathetic and emotional individual. You can tell how others are feeling, empathically relate to them, and often find it challenging to listen to or view violent things. Energy reading is quite natural. You might doubt yourself at some point, but that
is when it is vital to trust and rely on your intuition, your sixth sense, and the aura that others radiate.
