How To Stop Absorbing Other People’s Emotions And Energy

Empaths find it incredibly difficult to not absorb other people’s energy. They internalize other people's problems and feelings. You don’t have to run from your gift. But, you also cannot stop living your life just to avoid coming in contact with outside energy. Why not find a middle ground? Let’s learn the tools and
strategies to help us stop absorbing other people’s energy!
Establishing strong boundaries isn’t easy. But, without them, you will continue to hurt yourself or others. Today, we'll discuss three ways for you to stop absorbing other people’s energy and taking on their problems.
1. Grounding
Grounding is an excellent way to block negative energy as an empath. When we ground, we send a cord to the heart of Mother Earth and ask her to help us. Grounding helps us to understand what our life is really about. It is not about sacrificing our needs for others. It's not about being selfish either. The
purpose of our lives is for us to live. That’s all there is to it. So long as our hearts are beating and lungs are breathing, we are alive. If we don’t take care of ourselves and continue to ignore our own health and well-being, we might not live for long. Neglect doesn’t kill us directly. But, it does impact our health in the long run. Grounding will also help you not be in your head as much. There are many techniques for grounding including:
Visualization: Imagine sending a cord to the heart of Mother Earth. Ask Mother Earth to help you drop into your heart space. Feel your heart beating. Put your hands on your heart and let your heart tell you what you need to hear. Ask it to help you block other people’s negative energy.
Crystals: Black crystals like Tourmaline, Obsidian, and Hematite can help you ground. You can also try Smoky Quartz, Tree Agate, and Black Jasper for grounding.
Essential Oils: All essential oils with a woody aroma like sandalwood, cypress, and juniper can be used to help you ground.
2. Affirmations
Writing affirmations will help you assert your boundaries. This will help you to be able to discern your energy from others. Try the following affirmations to help you stop absorbing other people’s feelings and emotions.
1. I am strong and grounded.
2. I am divinely protected.
3. I am in charge of my energy.
4. I don’t absorb other people’s feelings.
5. I choose to take care of my health.
6. I am kind towards myself.
7. Nothing can stop me from becoming the best version of myself.
8. I have strong boundaries.
9. I am discerning.
10. I am powerful.
11. I am not alone.
12. I will help myself just like I help others.
13. I am an empath. And, I honor my gift.
14. I don’t internalize other people’s feelings.
15. I am proud of my gift.
These affirmations will empower you to not absorb other people’s feelings and emotions. They will help you assert strong boundaries. I know that it's good to love other people, but loving yourself first is even better. Affirmations can help you manifest anything that you want in life. Repeat them as often as you can.
3. Visualization
VIsualization is an easy way to block other people’s energy as an empath. Imagine Archangel Michael giving you a sword. With this sword, create a protective circle around you. This circle will protect you from all kinds of negative energy. Imagine the light of this circle radiating inwards and making an energetic armor around your body. Allow this light to empower you to not absorb other people’s energy. Trust that you will always be protected. You already know how to not absorb other people’s feelings and emotions. You don’t need to deny your gifts for that. You don’t need to disrespect your empathic abilities for that. You don’t need to fix yourself. You just need to love yourself as much as you love others. Have compassion for yourself as much as you do for others.

Final Words
Empaths find it impossible to not care about others. And, you don’t need to stop caring either. In this day and age, everyone could use a friend and you will make an excellent one. But, you need to not lose yourself in other people’s stories. You can protect yourself. You don’t need to absorb other people’s energy as much.
Imagine a protective bubble or circle around you and allow it to seal your aura. Trust that you are protected. There’s nothing you need to worry about. You already know how to stop absorbing other people’s energy and emotions. The only thing it takes is courage and trust. That’s really all that’s needed to block negativity and stop taking on other people’s problems
